Suzie badly photoshopped onto a Byakhee flying over a dark pine forest during a starry night with a full moon
After 17 years and (many shed) hairs over a decade with me Suzie has passed on. She has taken a final ride on a byakhee, past the moon and into the dreamlands to rest and be worshipped in Ulthar, city of cats.
She will be fondly remembered for her chonk; her vom; her penchant for tomatoes, blueberries, and cucumbers; and for the many many many many snuggles.
Although she had a timid start to her life in the household, she eventually learned to flaunt her chaunk.
Suzie hiding behind a beige couch
Suzie straddling the arm of a beige couch with a non-`pussed` look on her face
Zoro eating a zebra-stripe couch with Suzie hiding underneath
A butterball cat being held by a strange man at night
Getting to know the O.G.
Uh oh, I can't get up?
Rub my tummy human
Fat stacks of fat cats
I can help you work, I swear
A beautfiul cat with a beautiful face
Thanks for all the mice
I got smöl
I'll sit on you when you're on the floor having a breakdown
Thanks for the new bed
Never mind, I'll just use the stuffing instead
A morning pawfee
Eventually the cats get along... sort of
A last picnic