Makes ~2L.
- 450g carrots
- 450g cucumber (any kind will do)
- 3 tsp pickling salt
- 1.5 cups white vinegar
- 3 cups water
- 0.5 cup sugar
- 2 shallots or 1/2 a large yellow onion
- 2 jalapenos
- 1 tsp cumin seed
- Trim and peel carrots and cucumbers
- Julienne the carrots and cucumbers
- Sprinkle with the salt, toss, and let sit (at least 10 minutes)
- Thinkly slice jalapeno and shallots (or onion) and set aside
- Bring to a boil the vinegar, water, and sugar while stirring
- Drain the liquid from the carrots and cucumbers
- Add jalapenos, shallots/onion, cumin seed, and boiling brine to carrots and cucumbers
- Let stand until cool (~2 hours)
- Pack into mason jars
The pickles will be ready in about a day.
Note: do not seal the jars, this recipe is not a canning recipe.