Soft Pretzel Bites

🕓 Jan 18, 2024
  • #bread
  • Ingredients

    • 350g flour
    • 7g insant dry yeast
    • 20g brown sugar
    • 1.5 tsp kosher salt
    • 2 tbsp unsalted butter, melted
    • 240g almond milk
    • rock salt (for rolling)


    • 2 cups water
    • 1/4 cup baking soda

    Poolish variant


    • 80g flour
    • 80g water
    • 2.5g (1/2tsp) dry yeast

    Main recipe:

    • Reduce flour from 350g to 275g
    • Reduce yeast from 7g to 2.5g (1/2tsp)

    When mixing, add water and flour to poolish, mix until combined and let rest for 20 minutes covered (autolyse period) before continuing with the rest of the additions and steps.


    1. Whisk together flour, dry yeast, sugar, and salt in a bowl
    2. Add melted butter and milk and combine
    3. Once the dough has reached the consistency of a shaggy mass, continue mixing until the dough ball is smooth and homogenous
    • If the dough is too sticky, add more flour during kneading
    1. Transfer dough to greased bowl and let rise for an hour
    2. While dough is rising, heat water and baking soda until it is completely dissolved. Then, let cool to room temperature.
    3. Towards end of proofing, pre-heat oven to 400F
    4. Divide dough into 8 equal portions and roll each portion into 1" logs
    5. Cut the 1" logs into 1" pieces
    6. Working in batches, place the pieces in the soda-water solution for about 30s-1min. Remove to a sheet tray.
    7. Sprinkle with rock salt
    8. Bake 8-15 minutes until golden brown or internal temp is 195F.